Confessions of a Closet Blogger – One Year On

If you become a writer you’ll be trying to describe the thing all your life: and lucky if, out of dozens of books, one or two sentences, just for a moment, come near to getting it across.”

~ C.S. Lewis’ Letters to Children, 1956

I started off my blogging career as a furtive closet blogger.

For the first six months, I wrote exclusively for 10 faithful followers made up entirely of the clan back home – Mum, Dad, my two brothers, an assortment of cousins, grand old aunts and the staunchest of friends before finally working up the courage to publicise the blog to the great big world.

This is what I wrote in my journal exactly one year ago.

I posted my first ever blog two days ago. Elated. Pumped. Relieved it’s finally over since I tinkered with it for just 782 times. Stewed on it for a month. Tweaked it. Fixed it. Chewed it. Rewrote it. Slept over it. Cried over it. Read it till my eyes crossed before I finally deemed it good enough to post.

Welcome to my closet. Blunders, eating humble pie and chewed up nails along the way, A Leaf in Springtime is now One Year old!

Blogging is a lot like coming out of the closet and making open declarations (or small piping squeaks) of who we are, what we stand for and the finality of stating in black and white the sum of our thoughts and experiences.

It seems like a lifetime ago but I worked as a journalist before moving to Finland. I stopped writing when I came over to this new world of unfamiliar landmarks, unfamiliar worldviews and unfamiliar rules. For more than a decade I lost my voice.

But today I have found my voice again. And it is in this little nook that you often come by and sit with me a while. I thank you for that. For coming by. For reading. For listening. For understanding. For joining me on this ever evolving journey as I try to make sense of it all and many times fail.

This post is my personal thank you note to each one of you, my dear readers. I am glad our paths crossed.

To celebrate  my first year of blogging, here’s a little tribute to some of the FIRST milestones shared with fellow bloggers.

Jason E. Marshall Living in the Now

– The first person to introduce the word “Mindfulness” to me. I will always cherish the fact that you always took my questions seriously enough to write entire posts in reply to my little questions.

Mark Lloyd Richardson Dream Pray Act

-The first pastor I know who clings to the commandment “Love one another” as an absolute, unqualified truth. Mark, your tireless labour and gentle wisdom to spread this message of acceptance and love beyond boundaries humbles me.

Finn Holding The Naturephile

– The first person to teach me the difference between a sparrow and a dunnock. A damselfly and a dragonfly. I often wished I had you with me on walks in the woods so I could have a running commentary on horticulture, botany and wildlife. Always a treat to learn from you the fascinating world of nature.

Rick Braveheart The Great American Landscape

– I first learnt at the feet of this world renowned, award winning photographer who taught me  the importance of a good, solid, professional posture while taking photos. I promise not to let the photography community down with my trademark clownish contortions anymore, dear sir.

Vivian Where God Takes Me

– The first blogger who thought I was interesting enough to sit beside if we were in the same classroom! That thought delights me still! Like a tree planted by streams of living waters, Vivian’s writing and photography reflect roots grounded in wholesome, eternal truths and solid beauty. That’s how I feel everytime I visit.

Ganesh Known is a drop Unknown in an Ocean

– My first Hindu blog and one of my favourite spiritual blogs. From the time I subscribed until today, I have tried never to miss a single post. I hope you will be blessed like I have from the writings and thoughts here.

Fae Fae’s Twist and Tango

– The first blogger who called me a daughter – an honour I will always cherish in my heart. Coming to Fae’s place is just like coming home. A safe place of warm comfort. Of listening to folklores from faraway places while yearning to try out morsels of some of my favourite Persian dishes. But far more than that – this is a place where kindness and love reside.

Lesley Carter Bucket List Publication

– I got my first Like from Lesley for my post Life in the Meantime. I remember that day so clearly and I made little twists of joy to see that first star. It was like a jewel had fallen from the sky into my lap! Thank you for that big thumbs up!

Cocomino Life in Kawagoe

– The first blogger I met from the WordPress community who visited Helsinki recently.

Renee Positive Boomer

– For giving me my first blog Award and many many more since then. It is indeed precious for me to remember one of my very first readers.

Cathy Words and Herbs

– The first cooking blog I subscribed to. A beautiful space I always anticipate visiting with pleasure. I always leave hungry for more…

Angela Zen Being

– For the first time in my life, someone thought my photos were good enough to buy and hang on the wall. I hope you will like the gift when it finally gets to you.

Tricia A. Mitchell

– The first blogger to make my eyes fill with tears of joy and the first person I know to have met Ketut Lyer of Eat, Pray, Love. A world traveller and photographer with a heart. Everytime I visit this very special young woman, my heart is touched by Tricia’s deep love and reverence for the peoples of the world. Her belief in the beauty of mankind is unmistakeably obvious in  every photo, every piece of writing.

So many of you to thank personally. So many of you who have touched my life directly. This is just the beginning. With so much love and gratitude. Sharon