Category Archive: A Better World

The Duty of Kindness to Strangers

One quiet summer afternoon, several years ago, when my son was three years old, we went to the local neighbourhood library. There he played happily with a huge pirate ship set out on… Continue reading

A Gentle Revolution

When I was 10, I wanted to leave my mark in the world. I knew I was born for something big. I knew I was born with a revolution raging in my soul.… Continue reading

Don’t call me a good mother

Don’t call me a good mother. For being good somehow means doing all the “right things”. And to be honest, I’m not necessarily all that concerned about doing the “right things”. I’m more… Continue reading

Awakening to our Destiny

“With the utmost joy and gladness, serve ye the human world, and love ye the human race…Wherefore, rest ye not, be it for an instant; seek ye not a minute’s respite nor a… Continue reading

One Soul. One Heart.

“Ye were created to show love one to another and not perversity and rancour. Take pride not in love for yourselves but in love for your fellow-creatures. Glory not in love for your… Continue reading

The Housewife’s Guide to Tackling Poverty

“O Children of dust! Tell the rich of the midnight sighing of the poor…” ~ Baha’u’llah I once saw a child barely two years old sitting on a heap of wet filth sifting… Continue reading

World Peace – A Housewife’s Perspective

“Let your vision be world-embracing and not confined to thine own self…. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.” ~ Bahá’u’lláh (1817-1892) For as long as I could remember, I… Continue reading

A Mother’s Wishlist for a Better World

We will teach our children to be less star struck by fame, glitz and glamour and more in awe of those who labour patiently and passionately behind the scenes championing the cause of the frail, needy and… Continue reading